13 April 2008

Details for Script Writing Project

Dear Class,

here are the IMPORTANT information you would need to take note for the Script Writing Project you are doing during drama lesson for the next 3 weeks.

Email all scripts to : scripts@acropolis.com.sg

Save script as: 5F_grouptopic_date.doc (*if you are using vista, please click save as,
save it under Word 97-2003 documents)

Example how you should save your work: 5F_olivertwist_150408

LESSON 1 [ 11th April 2008] : List of things to do


Email your first script assignment by 15th April 2008 (Tuesday) evening.

Your script should include the things listed below.

Page 1: Cover Page

1. Group Name

2. Group Leader

3. Group Members

4. Group topic

5. Story Treatment [point form]: - Is your script before pretext/
after pretext?

- What is your story about?

Page 2: First Page of your script

1. Opening scene of your play – Where is the setting/place?
- Characters

There should be 3-4 points for the opening scene.

If you have doubts, please refer to your handout on scriptwriting that was given to you.

:::::The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it (persevere) and the faith to believe that it is possible:::::

11 April 2008

::::List of Things To Do::::

Dear Class,

Do take note of the things you are suppose to do over the weekend. Remember to drink more water and take good care of yourself.

List of things to do: (12th April- 13th April)


1. Corrections and Parent's Signature
for Unseen Dictation

2. Spelling (Spelling List Number 1-5)
*Spelling on Monday

3. Comprehension Worksheet – Billy Beast
* Do Question (1-5)
* To bring worksheet on Monday

1. COMPLETE Ratio Worksheet
*Pg 153- Pg 162 (LEAVE out Maths Journal)
*Hand up on Monday (14th April 2008)

2. Bring Maths Worksheet on Fractions(2) and Review 2

3. Hand Up Maths Review 3 on MONDAY

1. Read Pg 52 -59 (Textbook) again

I will post up the things you would need to do for HE and Drama in the next 2 posts. Do take note of that.

Have a blessed weekend ahead

Ms Foo

:::::The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it (persevere) and the faith to believe that it is possible:::::

05 April 2008

Drink lots of water!

Dear Class,

In view of the cases on HFMD, please take good care of yourself. Drink lots of water over the weekend and rest well! =)

At the same time, please remember to complete the 3 pieces of homework given on Friday.

1. Maths --> Area of Triangle Worksheet 1
2. English --> English 2007 Booklet A Practice Paper
3. Science --> Methods of Dispersal Worksheet

Have a blessed weekend ahead!

Miss Foo