30 March 2008

The NEW Leaders of Term 2

New Leaders of TERM 2! =)

Class Monitors : Aubrey & Rachel LXH

English Representatives: Yong Wei & Amelia

Maths Representatives: Debbie & Jozua

Science Representatives: Aik Sheen & Rachel LWY

IT Representatives: Jodan & Rachelle

Eco Representatives: Yu Jun & Xue Ting

Notice Board Personnel : Sang Ah, Germaine,

Lester, Chi Zhing

Welfare Representatives: Rodger and Carl


First Row: Aubrey, Rachel Lim XH, Yong Wei (L-->R)
Second Row: Amelia ,Debbie ,Jozua (L-->R)

First Row: Aik Sheen, Rachel Lim WY, Jodan (L-->R)
Second Row: Rachelle, Yu Jun, Xue Ting (L-->R)

First Row: Sang Ah, Lester ,Germaine ( L-->R)
Second Row: Chi Zhing, Rodger, Carl (L--> R)

Let’s welcome them as they take up and fulfill the role and responsibilities as Leaders of the class in Term 2.

:::::The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it (persevere) and the faith to believe that it is possible:::::

Kairos Gracia Christian School’s Visit

On the 24th to the 26th March, we were very blessed to have with us 3 friends from Kairos Gracia Christian School, Indonesia. They were here to experience how lessons were conducted in Singapore. This exchange programme is similar to our school’s Twinning Programme where we send our pupils to India. 6 of our pupils from 5 Faith were nominated to pair up with Yolanda, Adit and Moses as their buddies to see them through those 3 days.

Yolanda --> Willaine and Chi Zhing
Adit --> Rodger and Chaney
Moses --> Aubrey and Yu Jun

I believe the kids had fun, in terms of interaction and even studying together. For the first day, Yolanda, Adit and Moses were trying to get use to the new environment over at our school. It was the spirit of hospitality the class had which made them felt welcomed and at ease. THANK YOU CLASS!

We had a mini drama lesson on Wednesday where our friends from Indonesia joined us in the planning, and acting of the story on “ Pandora’s Box”. A picture paints a thousand words, enjoy the pictures below which showcase of your child’s talents in drama. =)

:::::The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it (persevere) and the faith to believe that it is possible:::::

21 March 2008

New Appointment of Leadership Positions in Class

Dear Parents and beloved children of 5 Faith,

Welcome back to school in Term 2! This blog has been set up for you and your child as a form of online communication and updates for the events that will be happening in school. I believe that with the existence of this blog, you will be able to monitor and keep track of your child's progress and participation in class activities/outings.

As the blog title states, there will be new appointment of leadership positions in the class starting from next week (24th March 2008). The school and I believes that this termly rotation of the leadership position in class will enable each and every student to have the opportunity to display their leadership qualities at the same time inculcating in them the sense of responsibility and the spirit of serving their community.

As the new term begins, I would like to take this opportunity to thank:

1. Chi Zhing and Chaney ( Class Monitors)
2. Jun Jie and Shannon ( English Rep)
3. Lester and Rachel Lim XH ( Maths Rep)
4. Ge Huai and Wynnes ( Science Rep)
5. Aubrey and Elysia ( Welfare Rep- Birthday I/C)

for their contribution and diligence in carrying out their duties in Term 1.

Stay tune for the photos we took on our EMS trail to Sungei Buloh in Term 1! =)

:::::The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it (persevere) and the faith to believe that it is possible:::::