31 May 2008


Dear Class,

Please check and READ the post titled : IMPORTANT Schematic Structure for your Journal posted on 30th May 2008

This is important! =)

Ms Foo

30 May 2008

Kids going for the exchange/immersion program in China

Dear pupils of 5 Faith who are going over to China,

Do take care of yourself when you are over there and listen to the Teacher-in Charge, they are responsible for your safety and you well-being. Please make their job easier and enjoyable simply by just listening to instructions, remember when 1 person talks, the rest listens (Respect).

Learn as much as you can there, observe the children's attitude of learning over at China and pick up some positive traits which you can share with your fellow classmates when you are back. =) Lastly, enjoy yourself when you are over there as well. =)


Ms Foo

IMPORTANT!!! Schematic Structure for Your Journal Writing

Dear class,

I hope you still remember how to do Journal Entry. Please let me refresh your memory by giving you the rough schematic by how you should do your journal entry.

Please follow the format below.

Eg: Joural Entry 1

Title of Journal : An Eventful Day/ A Fascinating Trip / An Unforgettable Lecture

30th May 2008 (The date you write your journal, please remember to date your journal)

Dear Diary / Journal,

It was an interesting trip to Genting Highland........ (please remember to paragraph your work!)
**After writing Dear Diary/ Journal, please remember to have proper paragraph when you start the first sentence.

Main Body: to describe your day/ any interesting event/overseas trip/trip to the zoo or the stay over at your grandma’s house with your cousins. You may also describe how you feel if you being reprimanded because you have not done your work.

(Sign Off)
(Your Name)

You are required to write about 150-200 words in each entry and the rest of the criteria are posted in the earlier post. Do check them out.

For those of you who do not have your journals with you, you should be receiving them by 6th June 2008 if not latest would be by 7th June. Meanwhile, if you do not have your book with you, that does not mean that you do not need to write. Please do you rough copy or jot down your thoughts on a piece of foolscape paper and after which, you would transfer them into your journal book.

Kindly be reminded that you would need to have at least 8 entries ( this implies that you need to do a minimum of 8) during this holiday. If you wish to write more, you are most welcome to do that.

This is the list of people without their journals with them:

As I have wrote earlier, do write your thoughts and your journal on a piece of paper first, after that you would transfer them into your Journal.


Nicole Ong



Nicole Ng

Zhu Qian



Rachel Lim

Jin Hee


Jun Jie







Xue Ting


Ms Foo

27 May 2008

Holiday Assignment

2008 Holiday Assignment: 23rd May --> 20th June 2008

Your Task:

Each week, you are required to write at least 2 journal entries
You may want to focus on the following points for your entries:

- Write about how you spend your June holidays.
(Eg. Revising, Playing, Stay over at grandma’s place, went overseas.)

- What is an interesting event that happened for each entry

- How are you going to prepare yourself for Term 3

*remember to have proper paragraphing and minimise the use of contractions (eg. can’t, wont’, shouldn’t etc.)

26 May 2008

Holiday HOMEWORK!!!!

Dear class,

Some of you would have received your journals on the day when you came for the Meet the Parent Session. I'm very sorry that I have not post the things you would have to do yet. It will be done by tonight. Do check out the blog tonight or tomorrow to see what are the things to be done.

For the rest of you who do not have your journals with you, please do not worry, I will either post it to your mailing address if not you will get a surprise visit from me! hahaha! =O

In the meantime, take a good rest during the holiday break! But do remember to read through your textbooks and do assessment books as well!

Ms Foo

04 May 2008

A Note of Encouragement

A side note to my beloved students:

1. Please take care of yourself and don't sleep so late at night.

2. Drink lots of water and have enough rest, not forgetting to
revise your work daily.

3. Exam is like running a marathon, you need the stamina and
strength to go through this week

I believe you guys can do it! Persevere and remember not to give up!!
Always try and press on!! Remember the moment you don't try, half the battle is gone!

Do your best for SA1 so that you won't regret and say I should have done this or that... ...

Things to Bring on 5th May 2008 (Monday)

Dear class,

PLEASE bring the following worksheets that are listed below
TOMORROW (5th May 2008):


1. Synthesis and Transformation (The one on Despite/ Unless/ If.....not)
2. Comprehension Cloze ( Fill in the blanks)P --> Unit 5 Billy Beast
3. Comprehension Passage ( Write out in Full Sentence) --> Unit 5 Billy Beast

This is very important!!!!

Bring the First Semestral Examination -- 2007
English Language -- Primary 5 Booklet A and B
(The whole paper tomorrow)


1. Revision 1 worksheets from your Maths Workbook
2. Practice Paper 1 (SA1)--> Paper 2008

(The one I returned on Friday)
3. Ratio Worksheet
4. Fractions 1,2,3,4,5

Please ensure that you have these worksheets with you tomorrow!!

:::::The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it (persevere) and the faith to believe that it is possible:::::